New to CISV? Here’s what you need to know.
Step 1
Watch the video on the home page. It’s a little older, but you get the idea! The best part is, it was produced by a young CISV member. It is a great way to learn about how we got started.
Step 2
The documentaries are great, right? Next it’s important to mention that CISV members are not required to travel to be a part of the Junior Branch (JB). We offer regular activities and service projects so your child can become a part of an organization that is inclusive and fun! Parents and siblings are encouraged to attend, too. Local, regional, national and international events will be posted on our website.
Locally hosted programs – In order for our chapter members to attend CISV programs worldwide, we are required to host programs locally. There are a variety of ways to get involved and a great step is to become a host family. Becoming a host family is a short commitment (no longer than a few days) but gives you the opportunity to meet CISV delegates from around the world. The Columbus Chapter hosted Village and Step Up camps in 2010, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016 and 2019. We plan to host again in 2026!
Step 3
In addition to local programming, we offer opportunities to travel to CISV International Programs (Village, Youth Meeting, Step Up, Junior Counselor).
Each fall, we reveal our program invitations for the following year.
Being an active member in CISV Columbus is an advantage during Selection of applicants for these International Programs. The Selection Committee Members are aware of the parents of applicants and the applicants themselves who have participated in local events and taken on leadership roles in the chapter.
Step 4
You have learned a lot and you’re ready to take the next step to become a local member. That’s great! Keep these things in mind as you take the next step:
- CISV Columbus is 100% volunteer driven. Family involvement is critical to CISV’s success and longevity. If your child is applying to attend a program, you must budget at least 20 hours per year to volunteer and support our chapter. Your child is benefiting from a CISV hosting chapter somewhere in the world and their volunteers. We must reciprocate and help support our local chapter!
- Being selected as a delegate for one of our programs is a commitment. After your child applies, s/he will attend a selection event and interview for the position. If selected, your family should make program preparations a priority. We realize that families are busy, but your child’s safety and preparation should be your first concern and IT IS OUR NUMBER ONE PRIORITY.
- PLUG IN!! CISV Columbus has several ways you can connect with us:
- Register to receive our monthly newsletter: SUBSCRIBE NOW
- Email us. Let us know if you’re interested in learning more
- Become a member of CISV Columbus. Click HERE for membership form and payment option.
Thank you for taking the time to learn more about CISV and our local chapter!